Mermaid Alanna
Mermaid Alanna is a friendly and adventurous mermaid from the North
Sea. She has traveled far and wide to be with her new friends and share
her love for storytelling.
She is the author of a wonderful book called "The Wee Mermaid and the
Star". Which is an interactive coloring storybook that is a gentle reminder
for children of all ages that they are not alone, that they are heard, and that
they are truly loved.
Apart from being an author, Mermaid Alanna is also a talented entertainer
who offers mermaid-themed birthday parties for children of all ages. Her
parties include fun activities such as mermaid puppet crafting, which not
only sparks children's imagination and creativity but also helps develop
their fine motor skills.
You can catch Mermaid Alanna and her pirate helper at the Yearly Fairy
Festival in Elgin, as well as other events where she shares her Merstory
time and mergames. You can also check out her amazing storybook on the
Stay tuned for upcoming exciting news on her social media!
Instagram: @mermaid_alannastoryteller